Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the last version for iphone
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the last version for iphone

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the last version for iphone Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the last version for iphone

And I’d argue the last 40 minutes is about the best Star Wars that has ever Star Wars-ed. Once you get past the horrific initial 40 minutes and the eye-rolling Last Jedi retcons, the final product is really quite…fantastic. I may have been manipulated into liking it by giving me many moments I “wanted” to see, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t cool to see them all the same. And yet what happens when you design a film to try and satisfy fans? It has the side-effect of….satisfying fans. Instead, it feels like a random fan theory he pulled out of a hat and hammered it into the shape of a film.Ī lot of Rise of Skywalker feels cowardly, like it was made explicitly to satisfy fans after two years of (mostly unwarranted) Last Jedi backlash. I feel like this could have felt less jarring if this was the plan from the start, but even if Rian Johnson clearly threw this idea out the window only to have JJ Abrams go retrieve it, I honestly, don’t believe this was even Abrams’ plan from the start in Force Awakens. Ick), and it’s incredibly awkward that we’re suddenly supposed to just accept that Rey is the daughter of a son we never knew Palpatine had and Jodie Comer, and there’s been some master plan in place this entire time to get her to become the grand Sith Empress of the galaxy. It feels like a direct, unnecessary response to the Last Jedi’s claims that Rey’s parents were no one of note (“because they chose to be no one, to protect you” Kylo Ren says. If there’s one thing I hated about the film it’s how painfully this development was set up and revealed. The entire Palpatine storyline feels pulled out of thin air, both in terms of him suddenly being the galaxy-threatening force he used to be, and also with the second major Last Jedi fix, that Palpatine is Rey’s grandfather.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the last version for iphone

The slapdash “fix” for killing Snoke without revealing his identity (he’s some genetic monster grown and controlled by a resurrected Palpatine) is hurried and out of nowhere. The pacing of the initial portion of the movie is blistering and disorienting and features some of the worst segments of the script.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the last version for iphone