Darkest dungeon 10 bosses guide
Darkest dungeon 10 bosses guide

darkest dungeon 10 bosses guide

This actually gets reinforced because if you let the tokens stay on a character the eyes start using damage and stress ability's on them. So after teaching the player to engage with special tokens in that manner the obvious thing to do is kill the eyes to stop them applying the tokens. In both cases the counter play is to damage/kill the enemy to prevent the attack or build up of worship on champion cultists. Up to this point the players experience with special tokens will be the chapter two boss and cultists with worship.

darkest dungeon 10 bosses guide

Nor is there any hint that said token is basically a target marker for phase two. The eye progression and tokens are not explained, nor is it explained that they only target their opposite rank. The boss is really bad for a number of reasons.

Darkest dungeon 10 bosses guide